Printer does not recognize laptop and laptop does not recognize CD?


My printer does not recognize my laptop and therefore can't connect. I wanted to reinstall the printer then and after inserting the CD (synonymous with other CDs or DVDs) crashes the laptop always off (blue screen).

I have to give a lecture next week and I want to prepare at home, but that's just impossible.


Then download the driver from the internet…

Normally, the PC looks for the printer and not the printer for the PC.


Thank you for your prompt reply.

Can I try, but why does the laptop no longer recognize CDs or DVDs? That's actually the much bigger problem.


Since this happens according to your statement on all CD / DVD there are 2 possibilities. Either the drive is defective or your Windows is faulty.

I would check this as follows, I would take a bootable CD / DVD and test both under Windows and in BIOS boot mode… If it works in BIOS boot mode it is up to Windows.