Windows10, family options?


I bought a new laptop with the operating system windows 10 home S. I deactivated the security mode, ie the "s", in order to be able to download google chrome. If I hadn't deactivated it, I would have only been able to download things from the microsoft store.

now i have installed chrome, but i can't use it. When I want to open it, the message comes: "You have to ask to be allowed to use this app. You can't use google chrome due to your family safety settings, but you can still ask for permission."

what is that? I've often gone to the "family options" and tried to find a solution, but couldn't find any. The whole thing doesn't make sense to me either, as I neither created a family group nor did anything in these family options.

does anyone know?



is its own version of the operating system

With "set options" nothing works if the operating system does not support them.

Why do you let the American multinationals tell you what "you are allowed" to do? If you want software, post here and the community will call you open source, which nobody has to "allow" you.