How do I get the urge to go back to sleep?


I have a problem that has existed since the beginning of the quarantine and is becoming more and more stressful. In the evening or at night, I have no desire to go to sleep or the next boring day, which is no different from the last one.

I try to walk a lot, ride a bike, but it's all very monotonous.

Unfortunately I stay awake until 5 a.m. (on the laptop) and sleep all day. Do you have an idea how I can look forward to going to bed in quarantine?


Work out. Sports etc

You also say you can't go to sleep because the next day is so boring, but it doesn't have to be! There are so many ideas and things to do.


Hmm. Try to learn, whenever I learned I was very tired because I was bored.
I had the same problem a few months ago and drank tea before sleep, soothing teas, sleep teas.
That helped me alot.
However, I also hear something about sleeping or watch Netflix follow a few and then close my eyes.
The most important thing is not to get you to sleep, it never works.
Do relaxation exercises tense all your muscles and then let go, do this 3-7 times and your body will be pretty exhausted.


So I always do it like this, I walk away from the laptop and then go to bed with my cell phone (cover it to get nice and warm). When I notice that I'm getting really tired, I go to YouTube and then always watch Satisfing Video. Somehow I've been doing this for 3 months and I always fall asleep (sometimes after half the video, sometimes after 2 videos), maybe you can try it


Turn off your media devices 1-2 hours before your desired bedtime and no longer look at a screen. The rays of blue light on our retina, which prevent us from producing sleep hormones. In addition, you can buy a blue light filter glasses for about 15 euro and put on the 1 hour before going to sleep. It always makes me tired.

In addition, you should exert yourself physically every day so that you can sleep well in the evening.

With these 2 things it should work again.

And then don't put yourself under pressure to fall asleep. If you have the attitude; I have to sleep now, nothing comes of it. Then just tell yourself internally: I don't have to fall asleep, but I'll be right away. That takes the constraint out. And with coercion it just doesn't work.


From a purely "technical" point of view, you should avoid getting too many impulses from the outside before going to bed (light, noise, etc.). Light deactivates the protein tim that is responsible for fatigue in the body. The body needs time to shut down and prepare for sleep.

Otherwise, you can try to set yourself a routine that tells yourself every night what you are looking forward to the next morning.


A good book

A tea

The morning shower

Get dressed up