Girlfriend has best friend (BFF) how to deal with it as a friend?


Attractive girlfriend has a wealthy best friend (BFF) whom she has known for a long time. He bought her her Playstation, her iPhone, her laptop, comes to her with his Mercedes every two days and brings her her favorite cookies. Then they hear Death Metal or gamble Call of duty. She probably had sex several times (according to others) and also go out partying.

If you ask her if they have a relationship, she says that it's just friendship and that she doesn't want anything from him. How should you deal with it as a friend? To ignore?

What does the community say? How is your experience


So are you friends with her now or together?


Why should a relationship not be possible under these circumstances?!

Boy, boy… Work on your confidence! Just because the person has more money is not automatically better!


YES that's right, I would still have a look if she had anything else with him but it would be strange if she spent more or better time with him than with you


Yes, I would also pay attention to that.


I think that you can continue the relationship, but make it clear to the other person that you are the friend and can't be replaced - like that. I feel like he has a crush on them. No rich person would simply make so many expensive gifts out of pure friendship.


You seem to be jealous. Get this under control, otherwise you can never be happy with any woman.


In your place I would want you to be less intimate with each other, so a little distance. And don't do anything in a threesome, that's super embarrassing


I'm just friends


I hope that doesn't blow your mind now, but from a certain age almost all potential partners already have sex and the older you get, the bigger the package of contaminated sites that you drag around. Incidentally, this applies not only to the potential partner, but also to you.

Even before you have a relationship, getting upset with ex-partners or friends is not a good move. If you had a relationship with her, it looks a little different, here it is certainly part of defining boundaries. So, I wouldn't accept that other men give my wife expensive gifts, but you can't blame a friend about how she lives her life…