Why is my CPU clocking so low?


My laptop is so incredibly slow right now. I just looked in the task manager and saw that my CPU only clocks at 0.38 Ghz. It also only has an occupancy rate of 10%. What can be the reason? In any case, the laptop is connected to the power supply.


AMD Ryzen 5 2500U with Rodeon Vega Mobile


How much RAM do you have and is there an SSD installed? And what is he slow at?


I have 8 GB of RAM and an SSD. The laptop is slow for the lightest tasks, such as opening Chrome. After about 20 minutes, it clocks normally again.


Driver up to date?




That the CPU only clocks so low is not unusual. If the performance is not required and / or the energy-saving mode is activated, the CPU does not clock faster - is not necessary either.
Maybe check the energy saving settings.


I checked that before I asked. The power is definitely needed, otherwise my laptop wouldn't be slow. It seems to me that the CPU just doesn't want to give me more power, even though I need it.


Has it ever been different, or has the problem existed since you bought it?


I can't say that for sure. In any case, the problem has been around for some time.

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