Repair power supply plug broken?


The power supply of an aquarium lamp broke, namely the plug was "pushed in" so that it wobbles and can no longer be plugged into the socket. Now I would like to open the power supply and glue it if necessary. There's nothing wrong with electrical engineering in itself. Now the question: How do I open this safely without getting electrocuted or breaking anything. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything on the Internet, because they always talk about the repair of e.g. Laptop power supplies, but it's about the "small box" directly on the plug. I'm looking forward to answers!

~ Lou

Repair power supply plug broken

The devices are usually so welded that they can't be opened sensibly.

I would advise you to get a new plug-in power supply - polarity, plug and electrical data are usually on it.


A repair is not even planned for these cheap devices. The housing can't be opened non-destructively.

Get another power supply. Take the defective part with you to the dealer so that he can find a suitable one for you.


Ok I'll do that Thank you very much!


Alright, thank you very much!


Can you pull out the 2 plugs so far that you can stick them from the outside?

If not, then check whether the power supply unit is ideally screwed. This is usually not the case, but you can take a look. Sometimes screws are also hidden under a label.

Otherwise, all that remains is to carefully cut open the seam with a sharp carpet knife. You can't get an electric shock because the power supply is not plugged into the socket.

Otherwise, this power supply could also serve as a replacement if the plug fits.


You write it yourself… Glued. So no screw.

It is an art to discover something like that.

Current smartphones are also glued. You open them with hot air. Hot air dryer.

You can try it just for fun. An art in itself.

I bet you won't make it

You can get a new universal for 6 euro inc all plugs on Ebay.

But do you the fun with the hair dryer.

I open that smartphone. I failed with my power supply.


Pull the pins forward again with pliers, if they click into place everything is fine, if not the thing has to be disposed of. Probably will be like that too.