Which sting / bite could that be?


Apparently I was bitten / stung by an insect or something similar on Friday evening (26.2).

At the moment it's still winter, so I don't know what would be possible there.
To the problem:

- "Patchy" - not circular.
- It tingles in the area up to the tips of your toes.
- The foot is slightly swollen, especially in the lower part.
- Hard and warm + pressure pain when you touch the area, but only above.
- No discernible stab wound or bite wound
- Pain when walking and standing.
- Don't itch
I don't know how to insert pictures here, so no icon is listed but I uploaded it there: https://www.directupload.net/file/d/6107/ejld24db_jpg.htm
At first glance it just looks like a huge reddening.

- I was home. Neither in the park or the forest or anything else.
- At the time I was in front of the laptop, it was around 10 p.m. + where I noticed it
- I hadn't felt anything, it burned and hurt all of a sudden.
- I wore long clothes. Sweatpants and high winter slippers.
- Took already 2 allergy sufferers (I'm allergic to mosquito bites)
- In Austria, the capital, that should be relevant.


Take it to the doctor!

It could also be a thrombosis…


Thank you!
Would a hospital visit also be possible or would the emergency room also treat me?
Then tomorrow I would go right away.


First call the medical emergency service, Tel. Nationwide 116 117.