Reset Windows 7 laptop to factory settings?


If I reset the laptop to factory settings do I need the windows CD? In the photo, but this Windows 7 sign is there to see that it is preinstalled and then I do not need a CD or?

Reset Windows 7 laptop to factory settings

Only if it is on another partition. Mostly you have to create the CDs.


There's basically no "reset to factory settings".

This is when a backup is played back. How this works exactly is in the manual of the laptop. A key is not necessary, because Windows is not reinstalled.

Only when reinstalling a key is necessary again. Before you do that, you should read out the key.

Goes e.g. With the Magical Jelly Bean KeyFinder

If this is just an OEM key from the dealer / manufacturer, this may also be a problem.


I do not understand, I can now somehow get all the data from the laptop without Windows 7 delete, I just want a neater laptop.


Define data, define neat laptop

You can delete everything manually.

If there are any quirks in the system you get the probably only about a new installation under control.