Spilled water next to your laptop?


I poured water next to my laptop.

I immediately removed all connections.

And immediately dried the laptop with paper towels after 10 seconds.

Then I put the laptop down vertically.

So the keyboard goes on my bed and the screen goes down.

He's just lying on his stomach.

I left the laptop for 10 minutes and then immediately checked whether all the keys were still working. All keyboards are still working.

I immediately switched off the laptop and put it back again.

I'll leave the laptop for a couple of hours now.

Should I do something else?

How long should I leave it there?


The best thing to do is to put it on something warm, say heating or something but not too hot and leave it in a few hours and then you can see if it is still on


I left the laptop for 10 minutes and then immediately checked whether all the keys were still working. All keyboards are still working.

You've done the stupidest thing you can do and you're lucky. So that's through.


OK I'll let him lie there for 3 hours and then take a look. When he then goes to.

What damage could still come?


OK thanks. So I would be lucky.

Should I leave it lying around


I'll let him lie a little longer


Sorry I had mine *


If he is broken Dan because of the wetness so actually no damage can come if you have dried him immediately with kitchen roll and put on his side because not much can happen. I accidentally washed a small circuit board from a laptop in the washing machine and it worked as before. So I'm very sure that your laptop will still work normally👍


You have already switched the system on again and have not disconnected it from the power / battery. Therefore, waiting now only brings something for your conscience. Either you open the device and disconnect the battery or you keep your fingers crossed because it stays that way now.


If he is broken Dan because of the wetness so actually no damage can come if you have dried him immediately with kitchen roll and put on his side because not much can happen. I accidentally washed a small circuit board from a laptop in the washing machine and it worked as before. So I'm very sure that your laptop will still work normally👍


A possible consequential damage caused by liquids is a severed contact due to corrosion. That would very likely also be an economic total loss. Therefore, computers should be opened and cleaned when they come into contact with the enemy!


I pulled the charging cable straight away


That helps how? The battery is still there!


Ok thanks you are right about my conscience 😂.

So I can use it normally again


OK thanks


I let the laptop dry for 4 hours and then look


Either you open it, disconnect the battery and clean everything with alcohol or you keep your fingers crossed. The decision is yours! But as written, you have already tested it quite extensively.


You can write whether it worked or not


What about the battery?


With alcohol?


Can you see it out?


The thing is me you wrote it's all through did you mean that the laptop is gone now or that it works and I was lucky?


I can't take out the battery


Ethanol, colloquially alcohol, is very volatile and therefore very suitable as a cleaning agent for electronics. To do this, it displaces water. So if, for example, you soak a circuit board that has gotten wet in alcohol and then leave it for 15 minutes, you can be sure that there's no water anywhere under the components. Good or?


Yes I will. I'll write back here in a few hours


I guess about 10 small Phillips screws and it works.




OK then leave it in. In any case, it has to stay out for a while if you turn it on now, it may be that there's a short circuit because of the water


Let me tell you how long it takes for the water to dry in a laptop


What kind of damage could still occur?


Somehow you didn't understand the problem. If there's water under a component, the contacts can oxidize away. Waiting doesn't help. It then oxidizes happily until the device stops working. So whether you wait or not makes no difference. Because you've already "tested" the device.


Habs degree tested again everything works


Everything goes