How can I load a Windows game from a laptop to a PC?


I need help again

My problem
I bought a game called Forza Horizon 4 from the Windows Apps store and installed it on my laptop because I can load the game over Ethernet
Installing the game on my PC was not an option as the download with Wi-Fi would have taken too long
Even with Ethernet the download took about 35 hours, my internet is a disaster

Now I've moved the game from the laptop to an external hard drive, but how do I get it into the correct folder on the PC?

The following folders are displayed with

Hope someone can help me or knows another website or website that can


How can I load a Windows game from a laptop to a PC

If the game is installed on the laptop, you can't simply copy the folder via the external hard drive. You then have the files on the PC, but the entries in the registry and whatever else the installation creates are missing.

You have to install the game on both computers. If you have the pure installation file, that works. However, I think that you can only download an installation routine from the store (a relatively small file of a few MB) and that it reloads the missing data during the installation. Then you have no other option than to accept the long download again.


Thank you
even if I have to reinstall everything now, I save myself the trouble of moving something that can't be moved


As I said: it depends on what you have downloaded. A complete file of several 100MB or several GB or just an installer with a few MB. You can install on another computer with the complete file, but not with the installer. I'm pretty sure you only downloaded the installer though.


No idea
What I have now tried is to move the file to another data carrier in the laptop
It worked so far and I could have started the game
I then built this data carrier into the PC but nothing was recognized anymore
The pure game was moved a launcher or installer or whatever is missing so that the game file can be found and recognized
I will simply screw this data carrier back into the laptop and then completely reinstall the game on it
I don't do that on the PC the internet is completely blocked and at 5mb / s it just takes too long

Do you think that can work


As I have already written, entries are made in the registry during an installation and usually one or more directories are created under C: / Users / in the folder with your name. If you move the game in the laptop to another data carrier and then install it in the PC, the registry entries, folders and corresponding cross-references are missing, as these were created on drive C in the laptop. Only a complete installation on the respective computer helps. It should work in the laptop if you have not changed anything on the data carrier or the file path with the game.

5mb / s isn't that slow. A file of e.g. B. 5GB should be downloaded in 15-20 minutes - provided the server plays along and does not slow it down. Unfortunately, you have the problem more often. The line gives the 5mb / s, but the opposite side brakes to 1mb / s. That sucks.