Problem with signing up for steam. How do I get on?


I got a game today (Ark) and I want to play on my laptop. I downloaded Steam and must sign up now. However, I had to do this via the website on the phone, because on my PC everything was weirdly black and you could not read anything. Now I had my account but must first "sign in" make. But I do not know the name. That was never displayed to me or should one invent oneself there?

2nd problem:

Forgot my email password… How can I change it?

Problem with signing up for steam. How do I get on

(on PC ↑)

Problem with signing up for steam. How do I get on - 1

(on mobile ↑)

Please As soon as possible AS FAST AS POSSIBLE… Wants to go to bed XD today


You can always reset passwords and actually you would have to create an Acc name when creating


Do you already have a Steam account?

Normally, you first create a Steam account. To do that, you think of a name you like and set a password.

Then you activate your game with the key you get from the merchant by mail or you can find it in the game pack.

The feature is called Add Game. You can find them at Steam on the bottom left, where the plus sign can be seen


You put the account name yourself. How can you not know that? 😅


I went to join steam and took an email from which I know the password. But it is always wrong password although it is right…


Never had to set one that's the thing.


Then you have not created an account 🙂