What do these technical data mean?


I have to get a notebook in front of me. But all this technical data confuses me a bit. I do not know much about that.

The notebook will mainly be used for my studies, but it may also be that I will need one or the other program I have to work with. (Adobe for example Or just Office)

To the technical data (for which I'm uncertain):


(16 GB of RAM) I heard 16 GB is relatively standard, so I'm in good hands with 16 GB?

512 GB PCIe® NVMe ™ SSD (512 GB SSD storage)

Should that be enough? What do the 512 GB in connection with the SSD memory mean?

I just want to be sure that I have sufficient space available to work as I said with one or the other program.

Another question. The website says: Optical drive not included. What exactly is meant by that?

The notebook costs about 900 euro so I want to make sure that I have a good choice with it.

I would like to thank you in advance for the clever minds who can help me with this!


16 GB of RAM (or RAM) are sufficient, yes.

512 GB PCIe® NVMe SSD (512 GB SSD storage) => This is the hard drive.
An SSD (also called a "solid-state drive") is a type of hard disk that charges much faster than a conventional hard disk.
Whether you have 512GB of memory or not, but I can't judge. Only you can know that.

A little tip on the edge: Also check which processor ("CPU") and which graphics card ("GPU") is installed. Often manufacturers make compromises - that is, in some places you have overly much power available, elsewhere very little.

Hope I could help you.

Greeting PrEzZii


16GB SDRAM is even above average. For your purposes, 8 GB would be enough.

SSD is what you use today to permanently store programs and data (instead of a hard drive). 512 GB is quite a bit and should be sufficient for your purposes in any case (I have, for example, in the stand PC 256 GB and in the notebook 128 GB).

By an "optical drive" is meant a CD and DVD drive. This is usually no longer installed in notebooks today, but can be bought for 20 euro as an external USB device.


16 GB of RAM are useful, for example, for complex image and video editing or for gambling or just for other applications with high requirements. Otherwise you get along well with 8 GB of RAM.

Owning an SSD is definitely not bad. An SSD provides in comparison to a HDD again for a decent speed boost, which is noticeable especially at boot times and when running programs. For this reason, you should also install Windows and programs on the SSD and store other files on the HDD. Of course, if only one SSD is installed, then everything on the SSD. I think that you get along well with a 512 GB SSD. Otherwise there are also devices, where for example a 1 TB (1000 GB) HDD + 128 - 256 GB SSD is installed. There are of course devices with even more memory, but that's what it looks like in most cases, as far as the combinations are concerned.

As for your question about the optical drive, there's no CD / DVD drive. In this case, you could buy an external drive, which is not too expensive. For example: https://www.amazon.de/...B07GYTQCF2

Of course, then the processor also plays a certain role. I would in your case for a multimedia device with a processor from Intel Core i5 or something equivalent of AMD decide. Then, as I said sure 8 GB of RAM. You probably will not need a dedicated graphics card either. As you land then priced well below the 900 euro.


For Office 16gb is more than enough, for Adobe it is sufficient, but 32gb would be a good profit depending on what your workflow looks like. Sometimes you can upgrade that.

This means you have 512gb of memory (storage, not memory, in English you can distinguish that better). New SSD is fast. 512 GB is little, but if you have the projects in the cloud or not many, that's okay.

This means that the notebook has no optical drive, aka CD / DVD drive.


Since here some details have been forgotten / misspelled, here is my attempt:

16GB "SDRAM" says relatively little about the speed. There may be DDR3 / 4/5 RAM at different speeds. Since the laptop costs ~ 900 euro, I go from DDR4 Ram to the ~ 2300MHz, which is absolutely sufficient. 16 GB also make sure that you do not have to worry about the future in the area of RAM. Standard for laptops I would say about 8GB, 16GB are very good.

The "NVMe" SSD is a special form of SSD (memory) that is neatly faster than a "SATA SSD". So you do not need to worry about the speed of larger files (Photoshop / Video Editing).

The "optical drive" is another term for e.g. CD / DVD / BluRay drives. I'm not sad at my drum, never used so far. Alternatively, there are drives with external connection for under 20 euro!

Like "PrEzZii" already very good! Once again, check CPU and GPU. If you do not know this well, you can post it here, and we'll be able to help you a bit.


Note to questioners, if it is unclear: "Dedicated graphics card" is a term for a real graphics card, so for example. A "Nvidia 2060". Usually in budget (less than 1200 euro) no "real graphics card" but a graphics chip, or the graphics chip used in the CPU. These chips will then have less power than a built-in graphics card, but as noted, they would only be needed for gambling, video / image editing.


Thanks for your helpful reply! If I'm not wrong, does the GPU have anything to do with the graphics? Where can I find the details? I only found the resolution of 1920 x 1080. Is that meant?


See Device Manager for details


I looked at all the technical data again but found no GPU / CPU. (Rubik Geräte Mangager is not there, only all technical data for the product shown).


Then press windows + r and enter dxdiag there where you see in the first page cpu, ram memory and under display your graphics card


It does not work. Did not have the device yet. I just found out that the graphics are integrated and Intel® UHD Graphics 620 is. Well, I think an Ultra HD resolution fits already.


Thank you for your so detailed and long answer! I'm thrilled how fast and many people could help me with my question.


Achso all right, yes a uhd graphics card is not the best but for office work is not an issue


With pleasure.