Can teachers prohibit laptops / tablets in class?


I would like to work with a laptop / tablet even after the lockdown, as I'm simply better organized and get along better.

However, I change schools after the sixth semester and am not sure whether I can do that there.

As far as I know, no teacher is allowed to forbid this at my current school, but no one takes the opportunity.

The new school is a vocational college (Fachhochschulreife) in North Rhine-Westphalia, so it is more geared towards adult education.

For my purchase decision, it would be important for me to know what the legal framework looks like; are teachers allowed to forbid this at all and is the use of tablets more common there?

Only for homeschooling is a tablet not worthwhile for me because I have my powerful computer at home.


So I'm also at a vocational school and we're allowed to work with our surfaces and tablets, but think that varies from school to school


Naturally. The teacher can determine which media / means are used.


Thank you! Annoying that there's no uniform regulation.


Not at our school, for example.


In a few years, schools will be working with laptops in high school, but not in the normal subterranean yet, so the teachers may forbid that


Does that mean it is already common practice in high school?


This was perfectly normal during my training. But even there there were teachers who did not want to lead the lessons like that and there you should put your laptop or tablet away.

There were also teachers who, outside of the IT class, even included laptops and tablets for class, as enough students had the devices with them.


You should ask the school how they do this.


No not everywhere, but it's allowed in high school, my brother, for example, uses a laptop in high school