EBay classifieds - buyer wants money back?


I sold a laptop on eBay classifieds, state everything to my best conscience, even with pictures of the laptop + pictures of the hardware shown in the device manager, there were pictures of the computer from all angles.

Today the buyer writes to me that he would like his money back, otherwise he will go to the lawyer, the laptop is not as specified.

I do not know what to do, I did not write in the ad that it was a private sale because I thought this would be clear since I did not indicate a trade. The buyer was able to look at all the pictures and consulted me via chat, telling him that I do everything to the best of my conscience, I can't do more.

What should I do now? Should I give him the money back? I'm really worried.


Careful, he wants to pull you over the table.


Bought nothing as seen he was unlucky.


"" "" the laptop is not as specified. "" ""

With what reason? What was wrong with the laptop in his opinion?

I wouldn't pay anything back because it was a private sale.
The guy just threatens and tries it on this tour.


What should not match the ad? Simply claiming does not match the ad, does not work.

The buyer has to criticize what is not correct.


First save all chat logs. Then take screenshots of the ad. Then ask what exactly it is. Then go to the kitchen and put on a tea.

With the addition in any case write that you were only hacked and that it was communicated in the mail. (Best get the mail) and then ask what is not?