Is it healthy to sit in front of the laptop 8 hours a day?


In the current situation with Corona, my school relies on so-called eLearning, but the only reason is that we sit 8 hours a day in front of a reasonably functioning laptop and a reasonably functioning network. What do you think?


It often looks no different in the world of work.

It is important that the kids move after 8 hours and move their eyes away from the screens.


You will have breaks too!

You, I'm an online retailer. I sit min every day. 10 hours before the box…


Depending on the job, you will also spend up to 8 hours in front of the computer later. In addition, there's your leisure activity in front of the computer.

Make sure the screen is far away. So that you don't use a laptop if possible. That the brightness is adjusted. That you wink or when pause is not looking at the computer and sometimes get up.


I don't quite understand what you're getting at. You're learning, right? Then I don't really know what the problem is. If the laptop is too bad, I would consider buying a new one or resetting the laptop.


It is definitely not healthy. But later in the job it will often not be any different

Take breaks more often, move to the break if possible. At home it is not a problem to do some fitness exercises