Buy office package?


I have just bought a new laptop and now I need the MS Office Parket for the university. I already know the version of 2016 perfectly and do not want to switch to another. I'm just too complicated. Online I found a page:, where you can buy it really cheap. Is that safe, if one buys there a key code and then with microsoft directly enter and then can download the files?


You mean: Office package?

That's a slovak side, I'm not sure if they offer legal keys - your risk. You have to go in any case via a Microsoft account, then you will see if it works.


is even cheaper, and I use it too. So you can't go wrong.


Take Open Office or Libre Office. Free and can basically do everything MS Office can. I've never encountered any limitations in the programs and with the spreadsheet program I'm doing the complete accounting of a small association including donation receipt (mail merge function) via the word processing program.


You have to be careful, that's very likely OEM and DSP versions, which do not guarantee support and warranty. And Microsoft prohibits the trade in OEMs / DSPs in part only because they do not work properly.

Read what is under the system requirements (legal):

"The Federal Court ruling allowed the sale of OEM versions and DSP versions without associated hardware…"

"… Should the computer be reformatted, reset or any changes made to the hardware, there's no guarantee that the key will continue to work on the PC…"

If you are a student, take a look here:


I also recommend. The only thing that does not work for every open source software is the correct reformatting. Say if you create something in openOffice and then drag into Word, it could be that certain lines, columns, fonts / sizes, etc. Are no longer displayed, as you have created.


I bought that and I have no problems with it.