Colleague contact after accident?


A colleague of mine went out to a client's office in the morning to work directly there (outsourcing) but when she went down the stairs from the subway station, she crashed and struck her head. It has not bled but is very swollen. She went to the customer's office anyway because she had an important appointment there at 10:00. It's her then at 9:00 but not so good gone u then the customer went away early. But she said she will work at home with her company laptop from our company. In the company chat, however, she was not online until Jz (as soon as she would have turned up the laptop she would appear as available) a few other colleagues u make us worry about Jz because she lives alone in her apartment 😒

what should we do?


Maybe call me?


On her private cellphone nr on her company cell phone?


First company then private I would say. Just ask how she is doing.


Try to call her. Vlt. Did she go to the doctor? Or she sleeps.


This accident should be reported to the responsible BG in any case.


I tried to call her at 4:00 pm (first on the company phone, then on the private phone) but unfortunately she did not pick it up 😒

Shall I call her again? Company phone o private phone?

she was in the morning right after she drove away from the client is already at the doctor. He told her that it is not good that you are dizzy but as long as you are not really bad and you have no seh-ailments she will not have any brain-shaking


What does the abbreviation "bg" mean?


Try again on the private phone. Landline does not have them?

Nobody could pass by?


Trade association = statutory accident insurance


I do not think that she has fixed network but at least none of us would have this no

she lives in a different district like mine, but another young colleague lives in the same district as she does in another area

we only know the dwelling house where she lives with several but not her exact address


Oh man…

Then you can just wait until she answers that by herself.


Thank you for the star.


Please feel free to πŸ˜€ Thank you for your help!