We keep arguing because he wants me to sell my laptop?


A friend (not MY friend) and I keep having the same discussion. I have little money and therefore little to live on.
I'm 60 percent disabled with mark G for mobility impairment. I don't have a car and can walk to a certain extent, but my laptop at home saves me a lot of walking. I do online banking at home, I can even print out my account statements, I make applications online, I write emails, our post office is often closed, so it's easier to write emails, and it doesn't cost anything. When I had just had an operation and sat at home in a wheelchair, I made my DM orders online and had them sent to me. I communicate with doctors via email, send reports to you as an attachment via email.
I write my letters to the authorities with my PC, have an all-in-one printer, can make copies and scan.
A friend of mine always complains that I have so much luxury at home, but no money for vacation (during Corona time) or for groceries. His plan would be to sell my laptop (bought in 2017 for 1400 euro including the office package) for 100 euro, then I would finally have some money in my pocket. And finally, everything can be managed by cell phone. I'm appalled by the suggestion, as my laptop represents quality of life for me and I find his saying completely wrong.
We've just got into quite a fight again. He's slowly bothering me with his suggestions. He thinks he can help me with it, but I don't accept any help.

I would be interested in general, who can manage everything from a cell phone, how important is a computer or laptop to you? Can you do without the computer?
I'm supposed to be the only one here who's too stupid to manage everything with my cell phone.


I don't think it's okay for your friend to ask this of you. I myself work in 1: 1 care at people's homes and have often seen how important the computer can be for these people

Of course, in theory, you can do all of this using your cell phone. However, this is rather cumbersome if there are no corresponding apps or applications for what you want to do

I work in parallel with a mobile phone, tablet and PC - I don't want to do without any of them, because I have to do everything I have to do and I want to choose the device that is most convenient for me in the situation


In my opinion, a computer or laptop is no longer a luxury item these days, but an everyday item. You describe yourself how "necessary" you have the laptop in everyday life - it offers you quality of life, so you shouldn't have to do without it.

Sure, you could do a lot of this with a smartphone, but that's exactly the same thing in the end. If you're comfortable with the laptop, stick with it.


In your case, that's not a luxury. A smartphone is very powerful. If you are on the phone and doing research, you need a PC. In addition, there's better handling with the keyboard and the higher resolution and quality of the display. For 100 euro the device would be given away and that's where you get the least of it. Ban him if he continues to bother you with the topic. A friend would argue at eye level and, above all, understand. Tell him from an expert that he has no idea, or better, ask him if he has a buyer and…

… What does he earn from it?


Just stop discussing this topic any more. As long as this friend is not your guardian, he has nothing to report.

Alternatively, try to make it clear to him that you too have a right to a certain standard of living. If a bailiff can't just take that thing away from you, then a friend certainly can't.

And ask your buddy how it makes sense to trade a laptop for a vacation. 🤔

Either no luxury or one of them. Which one you want is your free decision.

If he can't or doesn't want to afford something like that, that's his problem, not yours! He certainly has a lot at home that you can consider superfluous luxury if you want… How does he react if you suggest selling it all for "an apple and an egg" just so that he has money for a vacation? 😏


Well, I've got 75% and G. And haven't been going out alone for 11 years. For me a PC / laptop is indispensable in such a situation. Of course you could do anything with your cell phone. But first of all, you need a cell phone that would be expensive if you wanted to be fast. And second, I find when you're restricted. And therefore may also be at home more often. Should you at least be allowed to treat yourself to this little "luxury" at home. When you do a lot on the screen. Does it make more sense for the eyes to use a larger monitor? Besides, it is - if you write a lot. Also more comfortable to type with a larger keyboard. For me personally, at least. So I type much faster on the keyboard than on the cell phone.

Clear. You could also connect the cell phone to the TV and get a wireless keyboard. But you still have more options on the laptop / PC. In addition, you would then also be tied to the TV. The question is always what you are doing on your laptop / PC. Do you do a lot with graphics. So design, image editing, your own videos, etc. Or do you gamble something graphics-heavy. Then of course the laptop / PC would also be better. It's not the worst if it cost 1400 euro in 2017. And why should you sell such a part now for 100-200 euro. You won't do big jumps with 100-200 euro either. Your life won't depend on it. The laptop offers more "added value".

The "friend" can give you 100 euro for Christmas or a trip. If it's such a good friend. And sure. In principle, he is right that you can do everything with a cell phone. But in the context you described it just doesn't make sense to hand in the laptop. Incidentally, I also saved on my PC for over a year. You can see what it is worth to me personally. My cell phone is only on the go.