Will my laptop be hacked?


I just wanted to watch Burning Series Game of Thrones. The site is full of advertising, and whenever you press Pause or something similar, another page opens. Otherwise it was always advertising but this time it was something else. I insert a picture.

Will my laptop be hacked

The Siri agree talks Non Stop and says that something went wrong, the site downloaded a mailware or a virus. I should not shut down my laptop or reboot, otherwise my laptop will be locked or my hard drive will be deleted. I should ask for help with the free number. Is this a trap? What should I do now?


This is Scam:

NEVER would Microsoft want any Windows passwords, so click away if it works. Even with no number calls, these are really Indians who want your data.

I should not shut down my laptop or reboot, otherwise my laptop will be locked or my hard drive will be deleted.

Did you get scared? That's exactly what they want! Just ignore it and I repeat, do not call this number! It can't happen, that's just a popup that sucks.


Advertising or scam. If you follow the instructions you will surely be hacked.


TeamViewer is not that easy anymore, because users get a warning when they connect…


Thanks, yes, I got scared. Can't close the Sch ** pop up


Press ALT + F4 quite often until it closes, otherwise restart…


I did it.


No, it's just a popup, they want you to call and share your data. Then lock your Windows with a password and want 200 euro from you otherwise your Windows is locked forever. Never call, do not pass on data if that happens and everything is fine.


No, this is not a hack of your computer or your browser, it's a sinless and annoying script, and any dorkmaker can write in text, e.g. The world is dominated by pine cones and the stream comes from the dark forest etc.

If you want to stream relaxed, install the Google Chrome browser and then install the uBlock Origin extension to block ads and malware scripts. Update in the uBllock Origin settings the filter lists and look forward to relaxed surfing and streaming without advertising! Because browser advertising is the plague of the Internet!


You my friend, you are a hero.


Thank you. Does this UBlock origin consume a lot of memory? And is it awkward to download it?


No, it consumes little memory. It is very easy to download / install. Click in Google Chrome on this link (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=de) and there on "Install"



Win 10 new on hacked laptop? Th Thermometerroot