A few days ago I lost my laptop's power supply during the race. Then one of the two bars was bent, bent it again so that it fits in the socket. In addition, one of the silver caps on the bar is badly scratched. When plugged into the box came a small flash, but the laptop is connected to the power.
Now the question: Should I still use the cable or not? Can my laptop break it?
The flashing has probably always occurred, you just did not pay attention.
It is caused by capacitors, which must first recharge and thus at the moment of insertion have a high power consumption.
Bending does not break anything in the plug. The laptop does not hurt either.
As long as the PSU works, you can continue using it.
First of all: The plastic insulation of the contact pins must not be damaged, because then there's a risk of death when inserting / pulling by touching bare parts.
The flash in the socket actually happens with all power supplies, if they have no switch and when plugging the sine wave of the AC voltage just has a high value.
But if this happens all the time, then the bent pins do not have good contact anymore and have to be straightened.
To fix the pins, I recommend to heat them with a hair dryer. The plastic needs to get hot, but of course it must not melt. Then quickly position the pins and hold until cold.
Do not forget: wear working gloves and do not use sharp-edged tools!
I always do it like this:
Gently bend.
That's no problem if he does not break off.
That the cap has scratches is usually not important. Unless you have the feeling that the plug therefore less good in the socket slips or can hardly be unplugged.