Switch Microsoft account to laptop?


Wherever I bought my laptop, I should only sign in with my dad's microsoft acc for a short time. And now whenever I turn on my laptop, its name comes up and it's annoying. I can't change the password either!

So today I have my own Microsoft Acc. And would like to ask: is it possible that I can log out of his Acc and log back in with mine without losing the data on my laptop? So I would like to re-register, so to speak, without losing the data on my laptop. Is that going to happen so quickly?

Or is all the data gone?


Yes it works, see these instructions: https://www.deskmodder.de/wiki/index.php/Windows_10_zu_einem_anderen_Microsoft_Konto_wechseln


It's not that easy, but try it with this https://www.wintotal.de/tipp/microsoft-konto-aendern/ and the hints.


I have now created a local account and the data is on the local account… But this is only possible if I want to create a new Microsoft Acc. But I already have my own Acc and would like to transfer the files to my Acc…

Is that still possible? I don't want to lose the data under any circumstances.