How do you organize your data?


The background is I use like almost every laptop / PC / cell phone and different important data fly around everywhere. So far I have outsourced everything to an old hard drive. Now there's also limited space there and I would only use this record for Steamgames if they are lost this is not a loss.

I bought a new larger record. What does the folder structure look like for you? I mean depending on the age you have completely different dates…

Texts / documents
Access key for e.g. Server / Elster / Insurance / Bank
Back up games
Photos of family and friends
Images of any other kind
Driver backups (these may also no longer be available)
Software installation packages (you hardly need them anymore)
a backup of a game server that no longer exists D:
a project where I should just create a web server / site (no idea if anything else happens)
Various backups of old operating system installations (if it should go quickly, surely I just measure everything D.

How do you prevent this mess? What solutions have you found for yourself?


I arrange my data on different storage media.

I save texts, documents, eBooks, music, photos, etc. On a server that is only accessible in the local network.

Backups of all my devices are also created (fully automatically) on the server.

I save projects / code on a local git server.

Important files are backed up twice on external hard drives.


I have everything on different hard drives, one for the OS, one for pictures, one for videos, one for games and one for documents and data. I don't make backups.

Each hard disk then has its own folder structure. '^ - ^


In your case makes 5 disks / partitions. I wouldn't even get 5 disks in my PC, I think xD Whoever smokes a disk realizes how important backups are.


For me the question is primarily about a clear structure. If I put everything in the root directory, I quickly find this unattractive. If it is nested too much, the paths will not sag.


For documents / eBooks it is sorted by category for me.

eg. Music, computer science, mathematics, own documents, university fees etc.

Music is also divided into folders by genre and then by artist → albums

Backups are sorted by device name and contain only a compressed image.

For me, photos are sorted by years and months.


The dates are not all that important to me. It would only be annoying if everything was gone at once, that's why the hard drives. '^ - ^


At a time when storage space is dirt cheap, I sometimes Different hard drives; e.g. One only for music (250GB).

I try to answer your question once:
There's a drive with many different things on it. That means drive D: "data"
Then in "data" e.g. "Documents", "Photos", "Music", Downloads
In documents again "business letters", "scans", etc.
Then in "Downloads" "Software downloads" where installers and drivers end up
In "Photos" then "Events / Celebrations", "Animals", "People"
In people then "I" as well as names of other people and a folder "single pictures"


Clicks ups was helpful.


I'm glad:-)