I've had a problem since yesterday afternoon when I started my laptop. Indeed, pink and green pixels are always displayed to me, everywhere! Even when I go to the browser. I have googled the problem several times but haven't really found anything that could help me. Is my screen broken now or is it just a bug? I'm not sure, but I think my graphics card is actually good for the laptop. (I don't really know my way around 😅) I could also ask my father if he could take care of it, but I would like to take it into my own hands first.
Unfortunately the screen is definitely broken. I 'm really sorry for you. It was the same with my television. First green dots then pink. LG, niece
Does your laptop always get quite warm or hot?
Yes why?
Okay that's stupid but thank you very much!
Because I assume that it is not on the screen, but has something to do with it. The graphics chip could take you away from the heat.
HM okay. Can you just get it out of there or does it have to be done professionally?
You will usually have to replace the entire mainboard. It is only questionable whether it is worth it.
Okay thank you very much!