Parents collect devices at (almost) 18, what to do?


I'm 18 in a few days and recently rediscovered video games for myself.

My parents never let me gamble before, and I still don't seem to.

My sister spends at least 10 hours a day on social media and she has never received anything, not even earlier…

In any case, it irritates me that my things (at almost 18) are still cashed in and my sister (at 19) not at all. All my friends can play as they want…

My screen is gone, my keyboard is gone, my mouse is gone… And I don't even have to play for this to happen (my mom pays everything).

As soon as my mom comes in and I type Alt + F4 too late, the laptop is gone…

Can I do anything about it? My mom thinks that gambling damages the brain, but I'm not too stupid… She's already convinced my father. The first thing that comes when you google that is of course some clickbait study for parents…

Up until now my tactic has been to play secretly, but that's very stressful…: / … And I always have to cancel the game and I have a 50% chance that it will still go away…

I'm pretty sure it won't change when I'm 18, and then you can just kick me out if I don't dance your pipe…


Yes, you can do something about it. Keep the devices because you're 18.


Helicopter mother what you can do is keep her calm


Nope, this only works for my sister, I've already done it for three days… Zero effect, situation has only worsened: /


Call the police you're 18 girls


I mean if I do that I'll be kicked out and have no money to study: /


Bro you can call the police and report it as theft 😂😂


@MuckiHD Bro I don't want to overdo it, a computer game is not so important to me haha


No you will not. It's not that easy😂 Money for your studies is simply through part-time jobs. In an emergency, I'll borrow it from you


I would have done that in the case my mother capped it // For me she gave me the things voluntarily because I shouldn't just go out partying or something


Ok Bro 😂, what I need would be a better tactic, because I've already tried x times lol


Tell your mother how it is. What she forbids you now, you will do all the rest of your life. There are studies on it😂 Or just gamble at night


Playing at night is not that stupid, except that my laptop is gone for a week… I'll try playing at 6am or so, thanks!


Do they come to your room at night? They're sleeping? Just seal off the whole rabbit😂 say you need privacy at 18


Nice old, but definitely not working for me 😂


But the Basic Law Gg say so!


My mom has asthma so she sometimes wakes up until about 3:00 in the night: / (experience), but should go in the morning. (I've never tried)


Bro the basic book also says that they can throw me out and then I goggle, besides you want to buy me an apartment in 4 years or so (which I don't get otherwise… There are already contracts!)


If your parents kick you out because of something like that, I would voluntarily move out xD

Would it just be relaxed when there's some peace and quiet talking about all this since you are 1. Then 18 years old 2. You can decide for yourself what you do in your free time or just ask what are the reasons for this aversion?

and in no case mention the sister or something because it doesn't itch anyway


Lock my room with rabbits 😂


That with the sister is a good tip lol


Ok bro 😄


Tell her that your sister can keep her things and that is completely unfair


She doesn't itch lol


You will soon be 18 years old and you will no longer have the right to decide what to do with your free time. The claim games would damage the brain is nonsense and airborne. I think attempts to teach will not do much good. In my eyes, the fact that they completely ban video games is a form of chicane. Just tell them what is going on.

And if they throw you out because of something like that, then they can't be particularly good parents. I would have moved out voluntarily. Even if you stand on the street with your suitcase, you will always get support from the state if you want. There are enough accommodation options and aid programs for young adults. In case of doubt, the employment office temporarily sends you to a measure office (this is like a company from the employment office, where you have to do work and stuff) and you will be supported in finding a job or finding an apartment and financing.

Sure, that would be annoying and rabid, but I personally would not put up with it. And most of them are just empty threats that have no substance in them anyway. How many times has my mother threatened to throw me out and she never did.


Yes, how itch it ned. It must be able to justify that


Thanks for the long answer, but I don't think I'll start going to war with my parents for a video game… ^^


Nope is simply ignored with the same answer 'but your sister doesn't play'


What are the backward boomers?


1. I never called you Bro, but nobody cared about it



Can you still have no idea how you came up with it?


Seriously, lock the door, headphones in one ear and if you hear anything you can stop playing for a moment. Then she can't get in. And don't hear either. Maybe do something in front of the door slot or the keyhole that no light can get through.


Digga but the sound stays on lol ^^


Then do a mute button on your keyboard