Have I caught a virus on my laptop?


Today I wanted to try watching a film for free. I clicked on a link and then an alarm came that the computer had found viruses or something.

Suddenly a speaker came from my laptop and said the same alarm. How can I find out if I actually caught a virus?

My laptop has been crackling a bit, can that have anything to do with it?


It is a trojan

relatively harmless but can be very annoying if it blocks the desktop


The Trojan makes the laptop crackle?


Is not it


Fake, want to get you to install their antivirus program, and it does the opposite, and they want money for the virus throwers who also have it, Windows Defender will report if you have a virus


No, usually not, they just say that so you can download a virus. If a virus scanner says nothing, everything is fine (mostly).


Close the tabs and everything is ok again.


A real PC virus will never make itself felt voluntarily, it wants to remain undetected. So that was a fake, e.g. Something to buy, install (which could actually be a virus) or subscribe. Therefore, ignore it and restart the PC and ideally also clear the cache of the browser or empty it.