Reset laptop for too long?


I bought a laptop a few years ago and haven't used it in 2-3 years. I turned it on again today and started it. Alone that the booted took minutes. I figured I'd reset my laptop. Reset COMPLETELY, so that the files are all deleted as well, as I no longer need them. It has been showing me for 1 hour (see picture) is it normal? Or is it just too old?

Reset laptop for too long Reset laptop for too long - 1

Resetting a PC / laptop always takes a long time, for me it took 2-3 hours.


I can confirm.


It is normal that it takes a few hours (5-6 hours for me).

It is also possible that 1% is displayed but everything continues to run normally in the background and then suddenly makes a jump.

If it stays at 1% for several hours, reinstall Windows.


For me, the last Win10 restore> local reinstallation (without "cleaning the hard drive") took a good 70 minutes.

I can't say anything more about this because there's a lack of precise information.

However, if you should succeed in restoring, you have the problem that your Windows version is so old that it is no longer supported by Microsoft because the Win10 function updates offered every six months were not carried out.
The Win10 version 1903 v. May 2019 is no longer supported since December 2020.

I would save the data on the laptop and then set it up again with an installation medium (DVD or USB stick).