Ipad 32gb or 128gb? - 1


I wanted to buy the Ipad Generation 8, but I'm not sure whether 32GB will be enough. I actually only want to use the Ipad for school items (Goodnote, Ppt, Pages, Pdf's etc.) and otherwise not stream or download a lot because I have my laptop for that. The Ipad should last for a long time, even later with the university. Are 32GB enough for that?


I also have an iPad for school and 32GB is enough. As long as you don't play games on it that take up a lot of memory and you really only use the iPad for school purposes, then everything should be fine.


If you are really sure that you are not downloading a lot, then 32 GB will be enough. But if you also use it to take a lot of photos or videos and install games, it could be scarce.


I think 32GB is far too little these days.

Invest, this will save you a lot of trouble.

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