I'm looking for a modern, sturdy luggage bag where I can pack all the important things of mine if you want to move quickly, who knows what?


So a bag or suitcase doesn't matter, the main thing is that it looks simply modern or not too noticeable, just something for the all-rounder and I can be flexible with it because maybe I'll emigrate somewhere to the end of the world or if the booth starts should burn that I then only need to grab this one bag which contains everything important from me, so where I put my things instead of having them lying around somewhere in the apartment. So in any case a notebook should fit loosely in the bag then a folder with important papers, hygiene products, as well as underwear 5 pairs of socks 3 boxer shirts, two three jeans, 1 sweater 2 - 3 shirts and maybe a pillow, so everything really for thought the emergency maybe the war will soon break out where it is all about survival, did I forget anything else important? Hmm…

which bag can you recommend?


When the war breaks out, a proper pocket knife or water treatment device will help you more than your underpants.


Outdoor backpacks have many compartments and plenty of space to stow away, and they are not so noticeable.