Which exercises really help against back pain?


Back pain has been plaguing me lately, because lately I've mostly only been sitting on my laptop and have no motivation to go outside

I know that there are thousands of tutorials on Youtube but they really help, if so which ones have helped you the most and if not what has helped you instead?


I like to use these two channels myself:



there are tons of videos on various back complaints!

Maybe just start yoga every morning for half an hour… And then do some targeted exercises!
In any case, it helped me a lot and you start the day much better!


Back pain does not come from the Aldi bag. So there's no "one exercise" that helps. Each person's pain may be different and may arise for different reasons.

Of course, what generally helps is movement. Often the pain comes from overwork because you sit in a certain position for hours. On the other hand, just walking can help. Swimming is very good because the arm movements always relax and relax the back muscles.

Otherwise, general exercises that strengthen the back or the entire upper body help.


A lot of movement. Hot water bottle. My back pain was an irritable bowel syndrome.


Get a fascia roll (black orange), there are also exercises that really work miracles, relieve tension, etc.


Most helps to find the causes and to avoid them.

Can you ever start with the laptop?
Lay page and pause. Switch off and have a look
lay on your back for half an hour.
Then at least more exercise every day and if only
a walk would be the best place for straight
Do attitude. Hang you on a bar daily and pull-ups
make you relieve the intervertebral discs and
stabilize the muscles.
When and with which posture do you have the most pain?
In the morning, at noon or in the evening?

Do you also have problems at night?
Which sleeping posture do you predominantly take?
Back-side, or abdominal sleep?

You see there are many options for his body
to do because after all you have to live with for a lifetime
Spine and intervertebral discs get along.
Early improvement,
happy to be honest


I only get pain if I sit on the wall with my laptop for too long or have to stand for a long time

I usually get the pain in the afternoon or in the evening

When I sleep, I somehow lie on my stomach and on the side a mix of both 😅🙈


On the wall seats is certainly not the natural posture,
So permanent malposition, sit at the table in the future
and a chair on which you sit loosely.
Belly sleep is certainly not a requirement of one
relaxed sleep and of course does not contribute
an improvement.
You bend the cervical and lumbar vertebrae
falls into the hollow back, so choose the one
Lateral sleep if your mattress is not too hard.
a guats night
opi honorable


Well, the abdominal sleep was recommended to me by an ENT doctor. He said that if I slept on my back, I wouldn't be able to breathe because of my large tonsils

And I've had a hollow back from birth


Not from birth, the spine forms in the
Growth phase, they are only at the age of 18
Vertebral bone hardened.

Then just try lying on your side before you do yours
Ruin your body and leave that with the almonds again
All the best
opi honorable