Shoulder pain after sitting and writing what to do?


I always have severe shoulder pain after I have written something by hand or on the laptop (basically behind the shoulder on the "back"). They used to go away when I stopped writing. Recently, however, this does not go away all day long and the pain is really severe. Sometimes it is even if I just sat for a longer time.

It really can't be because of my attitude, because I really pay attention to it. When I write, I don't really cran, because I've already informed myself and tried other "techniques".

Does anyone know what that could be or what I can do about it?

Comments like "go to the doctor" etc can be saved;)


Get up and walk or swim for at least 1 hour every day!

This can help relax your muscles.


Okay thank you.


Do you also have stiff neck?

It can only be a bad posture.
Are you sitting too high or too low?
Do you often sit crooked - just on one cheek?

What used to count only for the body, even if you
felt it was still good.
At some point it is enough and then he fights back
expresses this through pain.

That means the cause has always been for the body
wrong but he still accepted it, but in the long run
it's just harmful for him.

The problem is also - the best therapy helps in the long run
also not - as long as the cause persists.
Maybe you can think of something, where you can do something
could say.

Get well soon
opi honorable

PS: Don't you feel taken seriously by medicine?
I could understand that!


Thank you very much!