What helps against back and cross pain?


I have complaints with my back and cross at the age of 22 and my mattress is not the best either.

I also sit on the bed when I'm on the laptop because I have nothing else to sit in the room and that also gives me huge problems.

Do you have any tips which could help against the complaints? Any exercises or home remedies? I don't like tablets


Go to the doctor first. Otherwise I would recommend a box spring bed helped me a lot and worked on your back with a blackroll every day


1 vodka Redbull 😉


You know some causes, the best therapy will help in the long run
not until the causes are avoided.

Don't you have a chair and table for your laptop?

The back problems come perfectly from bad posture or
in your case also from permanent nighttime malpositions.

This is how it looks with the intervertebral discs when you look at the spine
bend. That produces a BS bulge what then
becomes a prolapse (incident),

Avoid abdominal sleep in any case!
It is harmful to the cervical and lumbar vertebrae
falls into the hollow cross.

Hang on a bar from time to time and do pull-ups!
This relieves the spinal discs and strengthens the muscles

You should come up with some ideas for sleep, but
only with personal advice and not on the Internet
or discount stores.
Get well
opi honorable


Sitting on the edge of the bed and for a long time with a rounded back or in a forced posture is certainly harmful to the back. Exercise, walking and gymnastics are good for the back. If you absolutely have to work on the laptop for a long time, you should change your way of working and get advice from a specialist shop.

Tips for your back, i.e. To strengthen your back muscles, can also be given by physiotherapists. Or get advice in a gym.