Connect 144hz monitor to 60hz laptop?


I'm playing on my 60hz laptop and have considered adding a 144hz monitor for a smoother picture and faster response time. But does that even make sense? If my laptop only reaches 60hz, a 144hz monitor can only display the 60hz of the laptop right?


No, a monitor and your own laptop can have over 60 FPS.

60Hz is just the frequency that a monitor can display in images, doesn't mean the FPS can't be higher. Accordingly, you can have more than 60 FPS both on your laptop and on a monitor.

The response time could therefore also come from VSync.


60Hz is just the frequency that the built-in monitor in the laptop has! Should not be a problem!


Your monitor can only display what it is "fed" with. If you control it with 60 Hz, it shows you an image with 60 Hz. You should install the appropriate graphics card driver on your notebook and / or adjust the resolution / refresh rate.


I play with over 144 fps. But my built-in monitor can refresh a maximum of 60hz. My plan was to increase the screen so that I could see the frames I reached