Laptop is not responding anymore what can I do about it?


I wanted to discourage on discord and it did not work because I could not hear the others in the channel. Then I ended an application of dc in the task manager and it took an unusually long time to connect. Then I simply closed dc and restarted my laptop. At first there was only a blackscreen. Then I opened my laptop and opened it again and then I came up with a graphic error that reminds me of missing no. Of such a pokemon myth, and apart from that, the rest of the screen was black. Then my laptop went into the stand by mode odee so over and I've turned it on and these "graphics errors" were gone and again only blackscreen. My laptop does not respond to any key combos. Only the control lights of capslock and num worked properly. I can see and move my mouse pointer. What should I do now?


Moin Landmaster,

Imagine, your car has a squeaking noise somewhere.
You drive to the workshop and say to the master, "My car squeaks, do something, I've already turned it on and off and opened and closed the windows."
Do you think Master can do something with it? Joking aside…

Raise the device so that it displays the black screen again. Then hold down the power button for at least 5 seconds, causing a hard system shutdown. Then remove the AC adapter / power cable from the device and all batteries that the device has (also consider any internal batteries). Then you press the power button again for at least 5 seconds. Then you put the battery back in and connect it to the power cord. Turn the device back on.

Does the error recur?


To be honest, I asked the question too hastily because I waited while I was just answering the power button for a few seconds. Now everything seems to work fine again but maybe you know how this mistake could happen at all?


Ah, look.
This mistake occurs to me at work about twice a day. You can't narrow down exactly that. The root cause is most likely a driver problem (not properly loaded GraKa driver or other driver) or a malformed update that interrupts the system startup routine or a service that does not start properly. As I said, you can usually narrow that down exactly. The Hart-Rest helps in 99% of cases.

Much fun yet