Can you save your saves on the Sims 3 before uninstalling it?


I have been playing the Sims 3 on a laptop for years and have no major problems with it despite CC.

Now I've been thinking about getting Sims 4 for a while, but I'm pretty sure that both games won't work on the laptop (I don't want to risk the life of my laptop either).

If I then uninstalled the Sims 3 with the thought of wanting to play it again sometime, will all my saved data, scores, CCs etc. Be gone? And would it be the same problem with Sims 4 if you uninstalled it?


So 1. Sims 4 is bad (my opinion). Many of the options from Sims 3 are no longer available.

2. Why shouldn't the laptop do it? As long as there's enough space for both games, it doesn't matter whether you have both installed. It doesn't really matter how bad the laptop is. The only problem could be if you want to play and start both games at the same time. What I doubt now.

3. Yes, you can save the saved files. These are saved as folders in a specific file path on your computer. If you copy these folders and save them on a stick or on your computer, they will be preserved. How exactly you do that, you can find out by a 10 minute google search.