Play videos on hard drive?


I have longer video files on my computer and have to move them to my hard drive because I have no more space on my laptop. I have already formatted the hard drive to NTFS. I was also able to move some videos and play them on the hard drive. However, it has stopped working for some now and I keep getting messages saying that the hard drive can't play (the file can't be played. The file format may not be supported, the file extension may be incorrect, or the file may be damaged). I really do not know what to do anymore…

I would be very happy if any of you knew what the problem might be.


Has the film been completely copied?

If not, it can't of course be played yet. When all of this is copied, the latter will be the problem. The file is damaged or something went wrong while copying.


So it indicated that it was 100% complete. I can also watch the video normally on my computer, just not on my hard drive…


Copy it again and replace the existing one. Is it okay then?


Unfortunately no… I've tried several times, it's an mp4 file, that's not the problem, is it?


That's funny. It can't really be because of the file. But neither on the hard drive. Delete the broken file on the external hard drive and then copy again.


Unfortunately, I've already tried everything! But thanks for your help!


Okay, did you rename the file after moving it or something?

Did you do something or do you move the file and it is broken?


Immediately after I move it, it is broken…

Maybe it has something to do with the hard drive? So that the location is corrupted?


That is actually unlikely. But maybe. How old is the record?

At most it could be due to the fact that the file is somehow linked, but with .mp4 there's actually no such thing and the error message would then look different. He would say he is missing the linked file.

I guess I can't really help but you can call Microsoft. They might help you. If not, you have to go to a repair shop to ask. They'll be sure to watch it for free.