Does anyone know online fantasy computer games? The best which you can be sure that nobody hacked into your account (laptop) and steals whatever data?
Something like that can never be ruled out no matter what game you play. The most serious are usually the online games that are very popular because they also attach great importance to security.
OK thanks
Most online games are nowadays protected with several things like mobile phones bla blubb. Do not pass your data on or do not click on dubious emails and it is good.
The most played online fantasy games are probably Final Fantasy 14, Guild Wars 2 or Elder Scrolls Online. But there are tons more like Blade & Souls. Best look at they actually presented everything.
But to give you some suggestions, what kind of fantasy games do you mean?
Dungeons & Dragons online is highly recommended at the moment, as the premium quests for free players are also available from yesterday until April 30th.