Search software for live editing on beamers?


I'm looking for a software with which it is possible for me to prepare from my laptop "slides" or certain "settings" and transfer them via "click" or "key press" on the projector without the windows or pushes through the area Synchronized screens.


We have a tournament, I want to be able to update the score live, or edit a table.

So I have the table on my projector:

Team A: 233

Team B: 122

Team C: 32

On my laptop I edit this:

Team B: 454

Team A: 234

Team C: 32

Then I press "Enter" or something and the table is updated live on the projector, without any cursor or any indication that I typed or something.

The same should go for custom layouts, not just for tables, which I can create my own designs using combinations of images, text, and so on.

Does anyone know such a software or knows how to do it?


It would have to be a mirrored table. A programmer who is very familiar with Excel, Numbers, Filemaker o. A. Database can certainly do that.