CPU drastically lost performance?


For a few days the CPU has been 100% again and again with mediocre requirements, which was only very rare before. Applications that previously used 10% now need 30%, or those that used 30% now need 100% … Even if I e.g. Minecraft games flickers the picture very funny, it started with strong laggs that came every few seconds for a second… It gets worse and worse. It has been making strange noises since then! And since the warranty expires (2 years) …

CPU or GPU broken?

It may not be due to an update, it has only come in the last few days and is getting worse every day… I have not updated anything.

Something is wrong with the hardware… The Task Manager is often busy with a software reporter tool, but that's another matter. It's more about the workload of the individual tasks…

In addition, an autostart program called Opera Software tool or something similar has appeared since then…

What's going on there? It's impossible to work like this…

Is a laptop

Temperatures reportedly average at 50-70C.

In addition, it only clocks at 2.4 or lower, where previously consistently 2.7 …

Can jmd say what's wrong?

I'm afraid that this can't be fixed! I need this pc.


No. This is simply a high computing load - often caused by errors within the "stressful" application.

You just have to check more closely what is busy and why.


No that can't be I have not changed anything! The CPU can't suddenly lose so much performance. Just to buy a new PC, manufacturers just break the law…


The fan may not be able to cool the CPU and this causes it to throttle. 70 ° C on average in normal operation is quite a bit.

A virus may also be stealing processor time.


Processor time?


You don't have to have adjusted anything either. And no: The "PC manufacturers" have nothing to do with it. Applications are so complex that such errors occur from time to time.

in 11 years of PC service, there's a sentence that keeps coming back "Yesterday everything worked." - means: The fewest mistakes really indicate. An application that ran flawlessly today will no longer run smoothly tomorrow for reasons that can't be recognized.

The procedure would be:

Checking the model and size of the CPU and RAM
Observe which applications cause which load
Look for solutions in these areas


So ok that means I have to buy a new PC, I think it's a shame that after 2 years you have to buy new hardware and the manufacturers force it. I just have no money for these games


The amount of time your processor spends on average in an application also calculates the CPU utilization of an application. 30% means that your processor is busy with 30% of the time to process this application.


But there could also be a virus behind it. You really can't ignore anything.


No - you got it completely wrong. Where did I say you have to or should buy new? Please read the answers and understand them. Check what's hanging where and fix the cause, not the symptom. Because if you now simply upgrade or buy a new package, you are only pushing a solution to the problem in front of you - until, for example, the performance is allegedly not sufficient due to a software error - although you could fix it differently.


It's not there. Ersiees only writes here that you first have to localize the error before you can fix it.


To be honest, viruses would be unlikely - but not necessarily excluded. A virus is such a small program code that it is not really noticeable - would also be less in the sense of malware developers.


It is exactly like that. Was never a friend of the "must buy again" before you have looked at alternative solutions.


Yes, but I can't find a fault… And why does the fan grind… You should still work with it? It's totally flat… Can't the CPU have been deliberately slowed down or maybe damaged by overloading? Or bios errors?


If the fan grinds, then the device should be a specialist. Clean or replace the fan (depending on the cause of the grinding). Why don't you just tell us what kind of notebook you have, which CPU is installed, how much RAM is available, which OS is installed […] :)

By the way: Especially with laptops in most cases that I had in front of me there's enough reserve that you should use before you buy new ones.


Mmh and why is it so strange?


I5-6200u has been in operation for a few years. Think that explains the loud fan. They wear out. In Dortmund I could recommend my former employer - I don't know where you come from. However, the technical equipment does not explain the high occupancy. Here I'm still of the opinion that there's a pure software problem. Something you probably didn't create yourself.

It is not possible to say anything more precise about the distance.


Mmh: / Flatten Windows? My laptop is still under warranty, can I have the fan and CPU replaced? Can you clean the bios without destroying everything?


If that is within the guarantee: From there to the manufacturer. The obvious fan problem.

"Flatten Windows" would be the big club. Certainly helps. But at least recommend dealing with the cause of the load. Possibly. Do you still find a less brutal method.

BIOS-Clean does not "destroy" anything at first. However, you may have to make new settings if your Windows does not want to boot. However, I'm currently wondering how you can get from Windows to BIOS in your question. Have you changed something there?


No, but I'm just noticing that Windows Defender is reporting that tamper protection has been deactivated and that a diverse program called Opera Browser Assistant has appeared there since the PC had this lag


Just finish a few tasks and see what happens. I would watch a report tool in particular, which may not be one at all, very well… Not what works on your computer in the background, which ultimately also requires money!


Oh dear…


At the moment something is on the way again, which is encrypted after spying. Often you also have files with strange endings and corresponding disk usage, although you do nothing at all. These are indications of this, for example: High CPU utilization, together with data carrier utilization. Take a look at it and stifle any new tasks that interfere here and are labeled inconspicuously. If the computer responds to this, immediately see where the task comes from! Just to expose a pig here!


I made a backup of my data. Could the data be damaged?


No. The backup is only an additional storage of the original data. This does not change the original.


Is it suspicious that Teamviewer is always started although it is actually set in the settings to not start with Windows? 🤔


Can be if it is still started in the services under msconfig. Check it out…


What do you mean why is it strange

If a virus on the system simply generates 30% CPU utilization to mine cryptocurrencies, this is strange, but of course it can be something else.

Check out the complete hardware, i.e. Fan smart status of the hard drive, the ram with a ram check etc.


How is that possible?


Fan on sight.

For smart and ram checks there are programs just googling afterwards


Fan on sight? It is a laptop


Yes and? Open the screws on the floor and remove the cover, then switch on and check the fan. Not a problem with most laptops. Although there are some exotic places where the motherboard is screwed to the floor.

In the end, if you don't do it without practice, the only option is to check the fans. Of course, you can also look very roughly whether it even conveys air, but the right amount can hardly be recognized.

Btw because I'm reading it, I thought your laptop is already out of the guarantee period, if not then don't open it, otherwise the guarantee is gone.


Yes… He still has a guarantee (3 years)


And there's almost no air… With other laptops they blow dry properly!


Then the fan is defective, that should be taken over with the guarantee.


And since the warranty expires (2 years) …

That sounded like when you had no guarantee.


Yes, because after 2 years the guarantee usually expires and most things break