The laptop is not directly suitable for gambling, but fortnite I can play on middle graphics (but the laptop gets a bit hot)
my question to you is now, whether the laptop can overload somehow o. Ä. If I connect the ps4 and zb gta online for several hours would gamble…
I do not understand the connection, what has the laptop to do with the PS4?
Did I understand that correctly now? Want to connect the PS4 to the laptop to get a performance boost for the laptop? That does not work!
If I did not understand your question correctly, then express yourself something in more detail.
You can't connect your PS4 to your laptop.
Sorry for the bad question
instead of a television you can also connect the ps4 s.den laptop, as a picture source…
and I wanted to know if the laptop has to be over-powered somehow…
Is it only on a tv or a monitor?