Camping Holiday (RV) with the parents - Tips?


It's on my first vacation.

For 5 days to the North Sea. Now, our family is not necessarily the one with the greatest cohesion.

And I've never been on a vacation before, usually my parents flew away and we took care of ourselves for the 1-2 weeks. (Of course we let the schedule hang down, but we're all on time for the school, etc.)

Now I do not know what to do. I know that my parents would rather have rest, so Ausflugsmäßig, but for me are 5 days hang out, well, boring. But to take a laptop oä with a campsite is really oblique, I think…

Experience tips?


Since it is very tight, in good weather but you can do a lot. Even without parents.


Off to the beach and into the water! Take money or let go for an ice cream! And look for other people your age.

Especially if the parents prefer to hang out and have not knit a mammoth program, you have plenty of time for you.

And instead of a laptop I recommend - quite old school - a few books. You can read that. Also on the beach.


If you do not know what to do in five days North Sea holiday - you poor madman. Good Trip! Have fun!


The weather should be rather stormy. But thanks.


Who says that, there are good and bad days everywhere, so head up, you will survive it. On a CP you will certainly find fast connection.