What do my Mom spend less time on the laptop?


I managed to significantly reduce my mobile phone use and almost do not use it anymore. But my mom is really going through the laptop and watching some videos or podcasting (while she's cooking, etc). It bothers me a lot, because it is therefore much less and unproductive (does not clean up so much). I hate the "half-mess" and want her to be productive too, etc. It's not my job as a kid to raise my mother and clean up after her… What should I do?


Pull the plug


Take a nail and a hammer and hit hard.

On the laptop. Not on your mother.


All in all, thin ice. Parents seldom listen to the advice of the children.

you can only talk to her about your successes and results. Encourage them to think and motivate them to do so.

but not more. A real change has to come from oneself anyway. Or do you think you could have done it if your mother had complained about it and you really do not mind it?

In addition, your mom seems to be quite productive on the laptop. To acquire knowledge is always good


The parts have batteries xD


Tell her that, "How long are you going to do the role reversal, you kid, me mother"? And what does Daddy say about that?


Write down a day when she spends time on her laptop or something like that. When you wanted to do something with her and she rejected you, because the laptop or similar was more important. Then sit down with her the next day and show her the list and discuss what should change. To introduce a mother-child-time, in which only both of you do something (without devices) would be nice.

But you can also clean up… That's just the job of a mother. And you do not break a jag from the crown, if you take a little responsibility!