Why is my laptop so slow? And what can I do?

- in Acer

My laptop just turned super slow. I have already reset it several times completely and currently have only a virus program and Firefox installed. Nevertheless, he needs at least 7min to start and is also super slow. The laptop is 4 years old and has the following data:

Acer Aspire E15 / Intel i5-5200U / Nvidia GeForce 840M / 8GB RAM

In my opinion, this is not so bad and last year I was also able to use programs such as After Effects, Photoshop, and PremierePro, more or less fluently on the laptop. Therefore, I do not understand why he has become so useless now. Thank you for your help. If you need more data just ask.


RAM broken?


How can I recognize that? On Task Manager, the utilization is 39%.

Now I just noticed that the disk is always at 100%?


Disk is meant to be 100% by a wspax service or something. That loses itself again (update service) best pc times a night and let precede that he does not fall into the sleep mode. Otherwise, you can check the RAM with a Windows tool: Just check RAM Win 10 in Google directly comes a guide


If the computer does not have an SSD, then you should replace the disk. An SHDD may increase performance, but you can't compare it to an SSD.

If the Task Manager reports 100% disk load, that does not necessarily mean anything, because that's what I have with my NVme SSDs, too, and again, and I do not think that bandwidth or I / O load is even on the attack end.

Maybe there are still updates like Danflop wrote, because they can force the computer with slower disks to their knees and continue to run for a long time even after logging in / booting up.


Alright, thank you very much. I try both times.


Thanks for your answer. Yes, I have already thought about a new hard drive. But is it easy to replace them with laptops?

In the last few hours, I have read several tutorials and forums and then disabled the function Superfetch. Now the load is back to normal (10-40%) and in fact the laptop is a bit faster.

Let's see what else can be done.