Windows 10 preinstalled and on recovery partition?

- in Acer

I want to buy a new Acer laptop, and at the online retailer (Cyberport) I noticed in the data sheet that behind "Operating system: Windows 10 Home 64-bit" "(preinstalled and on the recovery partition - creation of recovery DVDs with eRecovery possible )" stands.
Does this mean that Windows 10 is installed and usable as normal, there's just an additional recovery partition on the drive; or does it mean that I have to reinstall Win10 first? (This is the first time I buy a laptop over the Internet, so I'm unsure)


Does this mean that Windows 10 is installed and usable as normal, there's just an additional recovery partition on the drive;


OK thanks! Is there normally no recovery partition made on laptops with pre-installed Windows?


With some not otherwise it is often the case that it is / is done


But also, it is usually set up this way on OEM PCs, not always. But that's more touted. Marketing


I have such a partition. Acer has a recovery partition on C:.


With the Win10 version 2040, the Win10 recovery was expanded to include a further variant, namely with the so-called cloud download.

In my version update 2040, another
554 MB recovery partition set up.

In contrast to the local reinstallation, the cloud download should be a real Win10 reinstallation.

Windows 10 preinstalled and on recovery partition