Clone hard drive in windows xp and windows 7?

- in Asus

I still have a hard drive from an old laptop with Windows XP lying around with programs for vehicle diagnostics that I might need. The laptop from which the HDD comes has given up the ghost. Now I have 2 options: Either I buy a used old laptop that fits the HDD (IDE) or I clone the plate because I still have an Asus Eee PC with Windows 7 Starter that works perfectly. My question now is: Do you have to clone the disk completely (Then I would have Win XP on it and I don't know if the Lapop can handle it because of drivers and such) or can I just clone the programs and keep Windows 7?


Cloning programs independent of the operating system will not work.

I would recommend:

1. Either buy a laptop and install the HDD there

2. Check if there are new versions of the programs

3. Make a dual boot system with your working laptop, then you would only have to switch between the plates in the BIOS.

4. Create a virtual machine with Virtual Box in Win7, pop the HDD via USB to SATA adapter on the laptop and boot the VM over the disk


This is not going to work. Cloning is only possible with an identical motherboard and then continues under Windows XP. Even with an identical device, however, it is a game of chance. Find another software.


OK thanks. Then I will probably be looking for a used laptop


Cloning is not a problem.
Programs like Acronis True Image or the Paragon Disk Manager do that.

But: Windows XP is not necessarily stable to move from one PC to another.

Therefore, you may have to set up the operating system again and reinstall the software.

Windows XP could also have problems with newer hardware.
In this case, a VM should be considered.