BIOS master password

- in Asus

I have an Asus laptop that I was unable to use for a while because my hard drive broke. Now I have a new hard drive (including a partition for the operating system), but when I connect it to the usual SATA interface of the laptop, a BIOS master password is required. I never had to enter a password before (neither a normal nor a master password).

The strange thing is - I have a SATA-USB adapter and when I connect the hard drive to it via the USB port of the laptop and the boat, there's no prompt for a password and everything starts normally. However, it logically runs much slower when the operating system has to run via USB, so I would like to know how to find out, reset or delete the master password.

I have already tried the method with the lithium battery and the jumper and it does NOT work!

Would be nice if someone has solutions.


The route looks completely different for laptop users. Here you have to enter the password through a back door. Enter the wrong password three times on the screen. You see an error like the following.

Write down the code shown. Then get yourself a BIOS password cracker tool, e.g. From this website: Enter the code shown. Now the password is generated within a few minutes.


Thanks for the answer! But the problem is that the PC does not allow me to enter the normal password - I'm only asked for the master password from the outset and accordingly I can't get such an error message.


Could you maybe do 3x what he says then.

I'll just check it out as you described it and I'll get back to you.


It looks poor to find anything useful.

Only a workshop with a wire to Asus will probably help

I'm sorry

Still a nice evening.