Shut down Asus laptop properly?

- in Asus

If I want to shut down my Asus laptop, I can press the "update and then shut down" box. I always do that… But what happens when I press it? What would be the difference if I just shut him down? Am I doing everything right?


When "update and then shut down" updates are downloaded when you shut down that you should do if you have time. But if you do not, it does not matter because if you do not do it for a long time, the field disappears and you will be forced to refresh, but if you have to shut down the laptop quickly because you do not have time to use the shutdown box.


But when I pressed on "shut down and update", the update took only a few seconds… Where I write that but just thinks to myself why that was just Kurtz… The laptop is new since the day before yesterday… And the only program is steam and McAfee I do not know exactly what the virus program is called… And some other little things…