400k cable line on the phone 350Mbit on the computer about 80Mbit?


I have for some weeks a cable line with 400Mbit of Vodafone cable Germany. So far so good have the 5Ghz network separated from the 2.4Ghz network so I can easily see if I'm connected with it. Then connected mobile phone and get just 350-390Mbit at Ookla and other speed tests. On the PC however over LAN cable as well as over WLAN (adapter) only 80Mbit. Then times the adapter s.Laptop checked and lo and behold 290Mbit. So it can't ever be on the adapter. Have the front and rear already connected to all USB3 ports but without differences in the result. And over LAN cable at the Gigabit Ethernet haven of my PC also only 80Mbit. Sounds like a Windows problem for me. I've already virus scan, firewall and virus program disabled and all sorts of speed tests but always tried the same result.

I hope you can help me.

The specs from the calculator here:

Motherboard: AsRock Fatal1ty Z97 Killer

CPU: I7 4790k

GPU: GTX 970

If still missing data say happy!

I'm looking for the whole time in the network through all the forums but can't find a solution…


So a WLan adapter shaft normally no longer synonymous.

A LAN cable also has a limited amount of data that it can transmit.


A CAT5 cable supports gigabit speed, so that should not be a problem


He never wrote that it is one


I'm not stupid that's clear to me otherwise I would not have written


Why should the adapter no longer work? Should support the 5GHz actually much more and on the laptop, he creates that too? Yes of course, a LAN cable has a limit, but this is not necessarily at 80Mbit!

Please do not mix Mbit and MB / s if I had 80MB / s I would not be unhappy that is not possible with a 400k line.

Please justify!


What should he use the otherwise for one lol?


Ever tried the LAN driver to reinstall?


Yes sry always happens to me | Try speedtest on a few other pages


Is with adapter now the router meant or a Wlan adapter for the PC / laptop


Connect your PC via LAN cable, open the settings of Windows 10 and then click on "Network and Internet" and then on "Change adapter options". Then double click on "Ethernet". Which transmission rate is displayed there?

Do you have a Linux USB stick from which you can boot? Then do the speed test again.



Do not seem to be the only one with the problem. Try out what's here


An adapter is an adapter. How do you get on router?


Did the question misunderstood sry


Yes already happened. Nothing used


Did that also do what is in the link?


As I said on all sorts of speed tests carried out everywhere the same… Have determined 7 different tried


I just have not done it yet


Then contact for support from Vodafone Kabel Deutschland


So with the LAN cable 1Gbit / s and unfortunately not ne and the wireless adapter is also 650Mbit / s so eig should also be sufficient


Can't find the killer cleaner to uninstall


This could be due to Windows or the network settings. Try to reset the network. This can be found in the settings under "Network and Internet / Network Reset".

If that does not work, download Linux. For example https://linuxmint.com/...php?id=261 and then copy the iso file to a USB stick with https://rufus.ie/.


On page 2 in my link give nen post where a 2 links to Dropbox has posted. With the killer cleaner


And Google does not find it? https://www.google.com/..._64bit.exe


Unfortunately, nothing has brought: / must equal first for yoga then continue


The make nothing if it works faster with other devices in the network. Tap on a problem on the PC itself. Maybe a killer chip problem?


Then I do not know


Ah but on the msi side hats worked.