Laptop shuts down slowly under Windows 10?


My laptop shuts down extremely slowly under Windows 10 (takes 2-5 minutes), I have an NVMe SSD as an installation disk, for which I have a second SSD (if that could be the reason).


Puhhh. This can have many causes. How many programs are running in the background and / or what is running via autostart (task manager)?

Other programs can slow down the shutdown. The more programs are running in the background, the longer the whole thing will of course take. When a PC shuts down, Windows closes all programs bit by bit and then the hardware bit by bit, which is why the whole thing can take a while. Virus programs in particular can also slow down the shutdown.

My PC sometimes takes up to a minute to shut down. When I used my CPU a little more, it took longer (2 minutes) for the PC to shut down.

It is definitely not due to an SSD. But on the contrary. Do you have the latest hardware or is it a bit older? That can also ensure that the PC shuts down slowly.

5 minutes is a long time. The best way to tell whether there's a defect is someone who takes a look at your PC (and of course is familiar with it).

Edit: Oh, read now that it is a laptop. But the same applies. However, laptops generally do not have a long lifespan. How old is the laptop?


The hardware of the laptop is from 2018, although I bought it new (remaining stock) about 9 months ago.

I already removed unnecessary bloatware from the autostart. As a virus program I currently use Microsoft's (I know that there are better ones). According to HD-Tune and Crystaldiskinfo, there are no problems with the SSDs. The SSDs are also quite empty.


What is your remaining hardware?


I5-7200U, 8GB DDR4-2400MHz (1 * 8GB), GTX1050M.


It doesn't matter which hardware is installed, it's up to win10 itself.

the programs in the background prevent the shutdown. Windows just waits.

But there's a little tweak:

test this time. This should shorten the times significantly.