Task manager Windows 10 littered?

- in Dell

As you can see in pictures 1 + 2, my task manager on the laptop (Dell / Win10 / Core13 / 7thGen) is pretty full.

So everything that is running in the background (158 processes).

Can't I just end what looks to me as if it were unnecessary (Fig. 3: EndTask)?

I realize that I shouldn't just delete processes in the background, but there must be so many.

For example the "Runtime Broker", what good is that?

And what I have circled in red, what does that mean (Fig. 1: Disk 100%)?

Thanks in advance!

Image 1:

Task manager Windows 10 littered

Picture 2:

Task manager Windows 10 littered - 1

Picture 3:

Task manager Windows 10 littered - 2

Runtime Broker is something from Windoof.

Clean up your box, nobody needs two virus scanners.


With only 158 processes, there won't be much that can be done without.

I would look through the autostart, whether something is started there that you do not use or want to use.

Otherwise your problem lies more in the utilization of the hard disk.


No, that doesn't work and you should stay away from it…

You have no idea what "Runtime Broker" does, the name alone does not make the program suspicious or unimportant. Google is your friend here. I can't see any processes there that are somehow suspicious. And why should the process list be almost empty? Are you an operating system developer and do you know how many processes an operating system can use?


My first idea would be to clean up the hard drive, defrag it and also check the capacity. If the hard disk is too full, the program has no more space for clipboards and needs too much time for it. Then the hard drive may be too slow.


Could you go into more detail on "scouring autostart"? And what exactly do you mean by the utilization of the hard disk, or how can I bring it back into rhythm


Sort by hard disk utilization. But if the colleague from the other comment is right - 2 virus scanners can recognize each other as viruses and for that reason trigger wild disk actions.


OK thanks


Have a look in the task manager (you're open anyway) in the Autostart section, or get a good picture of it. This often shows unnecessary stuff.


Autostart = what is started on the PC at the beginning.

Autostart includes programs that you downloaded yourself and you can deactivate this or simply delete the programs if you do not know or need them.


I'm the boss, I'm always right, lul?


Many Thanks!


Ps: 158 processes are actually a lot. Of course, it always depends on what people have on the PC etc., but I have enough things on the PC and if I open everything then I get a maximum of 110 processes, but no BACKGROUND processes but should be logical.


At least if you have an idea what they represent. But often there's a company name or something.


But you have to display it yourself as far as I know.


Bow before me - I'm root.


And I'm an admin

Edit: (ik root = admin) rather say it. Before someone blamed