Learn normal in the evening?


Since today I'm in the Easter holidays and have decided to continue learning to increase my 2.1 to 1.8 average. However, I can never concentrate, I'm always distracted and have a constant desire to go to the laptop or my phone. Only at night so go 22 clock is slow again. What can I do against it? I really want to be productive! I have the goal, however, I'm always subject to my will


If you realize from the beginning that nothing works, then just let it go and do what you are really interested in right now. Maybe it will work better the next time, at least the probability will be greater


If the will is there, then just put the timer - in the beginning it is enough to half an hour o. Ä. - And data connection / WLAN etc issue. Do not allow a disturbing factor.

Unfortunately, this costs a couple of times over, but eventually you will definitely be able to concentrate on your documents. I was now 4 months in preparation for the final exam I have never learned before. If you have overcome yourself a few times, it is actually quite easy.

Try to set yourself small goals and say, "I'll look at the next chapter and pull it off!" or "I'll take care of the vocabulary for the current topic for an hour now!"

Motivate small goals, if you pulled them through. Do not be demotivated and always remember - you only do it for yourself!


If the media distract you so much when learning, then consider how you can use it, for example, to make sense for the learning process, for example for research or summaries.

Probably. Does that help you?

Otherwise, learning in the evening or at night is also good, because you will benefit longer from the learning material. If you go to bed after that and do not do anything great anymore, then the sorting program in your brain starts, so to speak. Information is either sorted out or stored in long-term memory.